Minor Surgery

The Village Medical Centre offers minor surgery for the removal of moles, skin tag, sebaceous cysts and lipomas. This is usually done on a Thursday afternoon between 15:00 and 16:30, by appointment.

We also use Cyrotherapy to manage skin tags, verrucae, and keratosis etc, which is the destruction of the skin using sub-zero temperatures. The main agent used in this medical treatment is liquid nitrogen. This emerges from a cryospray at -197°c.

Dr C Prasannan currently offers cryotherapy services – please contact reception for more information.

We also do steroid Joint and soft tissue injections for various joint and tendon conditions and this is also currently done by Dr C Prasannan.


We will soon also be offering long acting contraceptives, including IUD fittings, IUS fittings and implants which are performed by a specialist doctor. The start date will be confirmed when it is set up. Arrangements are made with the patient and doctor for fitting times and dates.

All minor operations must be authorised by your doctor.